• About

  • Subtitle is a gallery dedicated to providing opportunities and mentorship to emerging artists

    Founded in 2022, Subtitle Labs is a nomadic gallery across London and LA that provides opportunities and mentorship to creatives through international exhibitions and publications. Subtitle seeks to discover, encourage and invest in emerging artists of all disciplines, enabling them to showcase the best version of themselves in an often intimidating art market. Through these exhibitions Subtitle empower artists to remain independent and be in control of their own narrative. 


    Every creative is carefully chosen, interviewed and selected based on the quality of their work and their passion. Each artist can nominate another artist to be a part of an upcoming show, thereby creating a chain-link of artist mentors and mentees. Throughout the years artists will be able to reach out to other artists from their chain-link for mentorship and advice on how to navigate the perils of the art market – creating a community, within a community.


    Each year Subtitle will partner with organisations to bring awareness and raise funds for their platforms. Subtitle partnered with Stop Uyghur Genocide which focuses on grassroots campaigns to bring awareness to the crimes being committed against Uyghurs. A percentage of all of the works sold were donated to this cause. Fragments, Subtitle’s subsequent exhibition donated a percentage of the works sold to Arts4Dementia, a charity that impacts the lives of people living with dementia and those who care for them through art workshops.


    Please contact us at hello@subtitlelabs.com if you are interested in working alongside us.